Tomo Bonbon
The wine dessert
It is impossible to find the word "wine dessert" in the dictionary, however, we all know what it refers to. Wine dessert is simply described as dessert for wines - a real present. It is a delicacy that has a magical impact on the wine tasting experience, on how you sense the wine's scent and flavour - giving a different twist to it, a phenomenal essence. We eat wine desserts to feel even more special flavours and experience a heightened culinary experience. Wine and Dessert, the true harmony of tastes.
Egy véletlen eseményt követően, 2010-ben találtam ki, hogy bordesszerteket akarok készíteni. Meg is alkottam és azóta is fejlesztem a csokoládé alapú finomságokat, amelyeket ezúton ajánlok azoknak, akik az igazán különleges ízeket szeretik, akik úgy akarják élvezni a bordesszert esszenciáját, mint egy „édes álmot”.

Tomo Bonbon
Questions, Testing, Feedback
During the testing period, I have realized that Tomo bonbon works very well with light beers - Pilsner, vodka, spirits, whisky, cognac, champagne, what is more, with various rums. In the Products section, I have noted those desserts that are suitable for the aforementioned drinks. It may sound like I am boasting, but I am sure about one thing: my bonbons are just as excellent by themselves.
However, I recommend to combine Tomo bonbons and drinks, according to the notes in the Products section, as they complement each other very well. I truly hope that whoever tries my desserts will think the same.

Tomo Bonbon
Healthy Lifestyle
Many of my close friends asked about sugar free and vegan options. The idea seemed a bit farfetched from the original wine dessert, however, I considered this as a great challenge to create delicious and healthy bonbons. I came up with a collection of bonbons that represent my taste - Bon appetite!

tomo bonbon
``Coffee fan``
Nowadays, coffee is becoming increasingly popular. Coffee has a deep and established culture - especially coming from various lands, prepared in various ways, roasted with ever-evolving techniques. Cafes and restaurants serve this popular drink for which I have created different desserts - which I would recommend greatly!

Tomo Bonbon
Nowadays, coffee is becoming increasingly popular. Coffee has a deep and established culture - especially coming from various lands, prepared in various ways, roasted with ever-evolving techniques. Cafes and restaurants serve this popular drink for which I have created different desserts - which I would recommend greatly!
Our products may contain alcohol. Consumption of Tomo bonbon is not recommended for minors under 18.